What Works Career Choices
Go with What Works: Career Choices & the 10-yearPlan - Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance Contractors & Experts
For more information, contact our (800) 967-8016,
Program Planning and Launch

Ideally, the TAC (Technical Assistance Contractor) will be hired prior to the start of the school year (or second semester, if the course starts mid-year) so necessary planning can take place.

Needs assessment

  1. Analysis of the school’s online survey (provided by Academic Innovations through Zoomerang) in addition to a conversation with the Academic Innovations’ Educational Consultant in charge of the account.
  2. A phone interview with each of the following:
    • School principal
    • School site lead administrator
    • Career Choices Lead Teacher
    • School district liaison for the project

The needs assessment is done prior to contracting. It will be up to each TAC to determine and declare if they charge for this service prior (retainer) to doing the work, or if they prefer to build this into their eventual contract.

Written report of recommended technical assistance plan, budget, and timeline
Once a thorough needs assessment is complete with the leadership of the school and district, the TAC will write a report outlining their recommendations and the cost of the contract. Once the contract is finalized, the calendar for the year will be finalized.

Phone coaching with the Principal/Lead Administrator on strategies for selection of course instructors
           Phone conference call with follow-up resources
           This is critical to the success of the effort.  If the right instructors are assigned, the project will work.  If not, everything will struggle.

Finalize technical assistance calendar for the year
In order for the TAC to plan their time efficiently, we strongly recommend that they finalize their calendar of meetings and on-site visits with the school administrator involved at the beginning of the school year. This is particularly important if they have more than one or two contracts.

Evaluation Criteria

Prior to the 2-day implementation workshop

  • A needs assessment must be completed and a written report shared with the school administration and Academic Innovations
  • A written report of the recommended technical assistance plan, budget, and timeline is submitted to school leadership for approval and to Academic Innovations for its files and support
  • A lead teacher is appointed by the principal
  • A school site executive for My10yearPlan.com® is appointed by the principal
  • A comprehensive recruiting effort has secured enthusiastic, highly-effective educators to be the course instructors
  • A calendar for the technical assistance is finalized with the principal and provided to Academic Innovations

Course Planning and Implementation
Course Follow-up and Support: Launching the School-Wide Initiative

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