What Works Career Choices
Go with What Works: Career Choices & the 10-yearPlan

Key to Dropout and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

"Many students see a greater need to stay in school. Most were 'bowled over' by the budgeting chapter. I believe [the program] will markedly reduce our dropout rate in high school."

        Veronica J. Hambacker, English Teacher
        8th grade Career Explorations
        Iron Co. C-4 Junior High School
        Viburnum, MO

"Some students who thought they were 'all set' upon graduation this year totally changed their minds. Although this was disconcerting for them, it showed them how they should properly make career choices and what considerations they should have. They will utilize the process throughout their lives."
        Julia S. Forbus, Occupational Specialist
        Career Orientation/Pregnant Teens
        Ft. Pierce Westwood High School
        Ft. Pierce, FL

"The [young women] discovered who they are and established future goals, including opportunities to enable them to support themselves and their future families...[those] who never dreamed of higher education saw possibilities and opportunities. Many were excited about 'going to college' and spoke of the decision with bright eyes."
        C. Sue Waldfogel Huff
        Administrative Assistant
        Career Exploration/Equity/Dropout
        Silverado High School
        Mission Viejo, CA

"Many female students planned not to get married (didn't want the commitment) but they also planned children out of wedlock. After the budgeting exercise, many said, "I don't think I can afford to have a baby."
        Linda Fraser
        Teacher, Tech Prep
        Edison High School
        Minneapolis, MN
"The lifestyle/budget exercise helps students understand the cost of their dreams and brings home to them why school is important now."
        Lynn Porter
        Coordinator, H.S. Diploma Program
        Santa Monica-Malibu USD Adult Ed. Center
        Santa Monica, CA

"When I started class I went in with a negative attitude, but now I have had a second thought about learning to get a job. I think this book helped me a lot, it really made me think about what I want in life and in my career."

"I have learned about delaying gratification. Living only for the moment gain rewards that are more tangible rather than gratifying. For me, to start learning to delay gratification is to put off the temporary joys of today in favor of last rewards of the future...This class made me think more and more about my future and how I can make a living much easier by having an education."

"I have a young child and I know now that mixing career and family has to be an equal part on both halves. I know now the procedures I will have to take to make my lifestyle better and a little easier for me to choose the right career and help me succeed."

"By taking this class I have learned how to set my career goals and the step to achieving them. I have learned that a proper education is one of the key steps in my mission towards reaching my goals."

        Comments from JTPA students
        Linda Costello, Director of Education,
        ASA Learning Center, San Bernardino, CA
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