What Works Career Choices
Go with What Works: Career Choices & the 10-yearPlan - Classroom Ideas

Whole School (grades 9 - 12) Takes Career Choices

At Casa Roble Fundamental High School in Orangevale, California, every one of the 1,800 students enrolled took Career Choices during the `92-93 school year. With enthusiastic leadership and creative ideas from Ernie Gomes, Science Chair, and Linda Page, science teacher, the project flourished.

Every teacher in the school taught the course, which was held during a special period added at the end of the day. This presented a challenge. But as Ernie Gomes reports, "Career Choices is great for the classroom teacher who doesn't know that much about career guidance."

All students completed their own copy of the consumable Career Choices workbook. (Because they were allowed to keep their books, the students were required to pay for them.)

Besides the Career Choices activities, students were exposed to a wide variety of speakers at special breakout sessions and a day-long careers fair.

As a recipient of one of the state's five-year restructuring grants, the school has identified comprehensive career education as critical to its success. Next year, all freshmen will be divided into houses, and each house will complete a one-quarter course on careers. "The information found in Career Choices is something every student needs," Gomes concludes.

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